Monday, 3 September 2012

However, if it is granted that those who work for the State vote Democratic, and those who vote Republican in the median demographic bulge are rational in their behaviour and for them the State indulging in rent-seeking activities harms them more in terms of their middle class lifestyle than does the rent-seeking behaviour of the corporations for who they work.
It is by no co-incidence that Economic Growth is measured by the value of taxation receipts received.
In my humble opinion the ever increasing value of the State Treasury is what leads to Empires, and Wars.
It is Qualitative Growth by happen-stance It is an ideology which Baffles,
To view the state as neutral would be incorrect, I really do think that a system by which Micro-economic power is devolved to a lower level, the Macroeconomic obsession ends, local rather than global solutions to welfare provision.
I guess show trials of the rich for their corruption and then fining them is too Stalinistic, on the other hand the Roman system of Law was renowned for such prosecution of improper ethics with regards to past Tax Liabilities. Such Fines would encourage better behaviour. (If it were not for the written law)
And more importantly do not let anyone find out who the governments, and banks are actually in debt too?
Is it is a Gordian Knot of dependencies or a Cabal ?

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Reyakunn #2

my arse
Eye, Eye, Eye, an all hatd that are finely worn,like scarves and gloves, and duffel coats,a nd warm wine hhas vanished like winter snow up
to feel sum thing but never admit it fireven my will is a impentranble force to me , whcih with its moods overtakes me in all is clumsyness
TO ask any question is confusion, is doubt, is an untruth, is not a noble way to act, but sum must act above others for all thus inclined,
x[ression by anyone about anything is more bautiul to me, than an contrived artifical paasticheihsness/
Kaka #3

A cretin standard of incompetence is taken for granted as a sort of stumble stump, a mark of humility, conviviality , a gesture at sum tings
like rings, and many beautiful woolen things like enormous ravenous turnips far away in the countryside, the big country
as a law unto himself, because no word is no law, and a riddle has an answer, when all it is a swerve, an chitinous, Lucretius lit
Fukc U #4

You ball, and call, yu bawls, yeah,
Nothin but an action man doll
Noway shes ever gonna cry
Just for my Baby, and I
Kill dem all,
Hakuku # 6

But , Mercy, Mercy, time must heal all da Sins washed away like fish into the filthy fucking sewers
Mumbai and Kinchasa, the beggars on the beach watching them sizzle, the righteous anger off all heaven watches in Grandstands awaiting da
The hopeless believers, the underground miners. The Chicken herders of Kentucky, the Elephant Ranchers in Timbuktu, The Copper sellers of
haiku - number 7

Chugging away like a fanny
Diaccordina, Dementious, Fallangarryarsed like a gerry mangled jabooty
Disacordian HA
THe gyspy Zelda was playing the diaccordina

Friday, 29 June 2012


It is no circumstance beyond mine mortal control, sum magnificent dream, sum distant spire, sum far mountain range where the brave batter another foothold on a sheer face of an incomprehensible crystalline Diamond which reflects the snow and super massive hailstones that are like rocks smashing on a face which is numbed and the struggle is diminished, a last strength is failing, and leans from the side holding on with one are, swaying, at this moment – fervidity..
Collapsing unto wards sum other thing, beneath and below, cavities dark and cancerous looming from the horizon, desiccating, disseminating the malign influence of the free jugular coniferous, constant, time is nothing but bad memories of what you wanted your dreams to be, an living in the past is like looking through a looking glass, especially if your smashed. Dashed I was, and crass besides, minds you, I felt sum thing extraordinary once, it was the purest disbelief, a fantastic contrarious insignificant perusal of the didactic relativity of sum indicative opinion is.
It is a beautiful thing to sing in the moonlight when your are fucked, to dance, or I prefer to sit because I am very fucking lazy and that’s a god thing, and I hope you all get shin splints, not even that but worse, sum sing in the moonlight, the light is too bright, too stupendously dazzling and confusing, yet sum how sum thing felt just right, like flight the penguin was incapable, dastardly and scheming about anything that even looked like it
Hearts and Spades, jacks and Aces, a fool’s luck is sacrifice for honour, is a replacement for dignity, for a morale compass, a decision is a void thing, and what the fuck do I know, just sum beautiful thing, sum beautiful thing to fill my time and day rather than this, what pain is the toil, and what is rain next to a river, water.
 Agony would be welcomed in all lives,
It makes everything seem better much afterwards,
Like sharp and silver piercing knives,
Here come the brutal self-redeeming indigo bastards.
All are cast once as willing thieves,
Then years later and honest and stand bearing the noble standards,
No judgement on any true beliefs, once won,
All things are bright and beautiful under the Grandstands and garlands
No Hell for any thought of sin for all are tempted,
Such is the beautiful thing which is lust,
No greater earthly delight than ever in your darkest you truly dreamt,
All will be yours for you are nought but dust,
They shall worship your elegant ornate bust,
When years from now Grande’ Victoria is Augustus

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

An effulgence, a steaming rank, monotony of stinking shite, like a dirty sewer full of rats, the place where the shameless sinners run to hide when the light of the day is in the sky, and a stumble of caravans and Picnics, that untidy themselves lounging upon the fading afternoon, hirsute, undoubtedly oblivious, oblique, sanitizers and fabulous magic lotions rolling over and licking its balls, and chasing them and shouting, mounting , surrounds= sounds park benches, which are trapeziuses, and luxurious three piece sweets.
The beautiful fucking sounds of a game of rounder’s, or touch rugby, and all because the sun the dim in the heat of the haze, the incessant blaze, an unblinking eye gazing, glinting on metallic shapes in the sky, of a silvery slow fat fly, or even worse an Angry Wasp, rasping like a Messchermit, Blaw, Blawin, the paper fae ma honds, I,I,I,  a ways an a that, I, I, Irie, Irie, INI Apparition.
The fields are like a patchwork, but in sum places the wild remains, some reminder, sum preservation of a secret symbol of a belief, not faith or knowledge, a means to affect time, an urge to climb, on the winds and currents, the freedom of flight is one thing not given to the kindness of conquest and strong foundation on which are such gargantuan things constructed, my face is  a gargoyle, for you cannot catch me, to stun a mouse.
Wintering Crows congregate in their hundreds and thousands on the roofs of the slums, Blaw, Blaw, it reeks a Shyte, Blaw, Blaw, Blaw and a ways a that r the souls a folk. Fucked in fucked that, like a load of crap and stupendously unbalanced, as I crash into the rocks, I honestly feel quite sanguine, Irie, Irie, Irie,
Like Ants on the rubbish tips, like Flies clearing through the rubbish wearing their cheap cotton face masks, the purity of soul is Ini the pursuit of money, not some Angelic child learning about Jesus and empathicitation, only the blessed few can learn the luxury of the wisdom of mercy, or is the sanctity of life a myth, what purpose but toil, unwitting boil on the roasting hard arsehole of the world and your comeuppance superficial morality regarding the problem of it. I would have one humanist above ten thousand bureaucrats and One Hundred thousands of those who think their superstitious morals are somehow superior
And what a peaceful face that would be if that would be showered with the riches of the world to be saved while his mother his father, his cousins toil, servitude to the tyrants, who only know one way, one power since the First great city of Babylon was built and the Cruel King, and then the evil spirit worshiping Pharaohs, but never mind them, we know that they roast In hell with all the holy fathers and Archbishops, the Generals are being cooked for Dinner tonight, and the Politicians will be served as Dessert.
Perhaps it is true, only in death will you find Peace and Paradise, for life on this earth seems like a living hell imposed upon you, for what is honour, and truth, and equality, sum must serve, this most heinous law, blaw, blaw,

Saturday, 16 June 2012

There is nothing better than fucking a goat every morning, or if you cannot find a goat a sheep would do, a fine and willing woolly smelly piece of mutton when I would dine on Lamb, and veal for breakfast, with mounds of froe-grass like mud pies, and custard pies, as if you being a clown makes me look less dignified, I will despatch this costume to the trash, it has been sullied, I can buy many more and much more besides, and probably you, your family, and towns and cities beyond, so you wonder why I care, well I do not, really.
I love Fucking , and I only jest above, for which beast would indulge in such when all the Nymphs of Babylon are besides my side, and sickening acts are ordered for the delight of the mob, they send me money begging for act upon act of despicable debased ugliness and a disturbed fantasy which persists, fell acts upon this deadly dull night, many penetration of coerced innocents, what mortal sin, that once we were all kin, an evolution in the control of basest urges, courage is a fallacy, a star arsed controversy, inconsolable in its avid deconstructionalistic pictorial dementia.
Where’s abound for I am Augustus, and is any delight a distraction for the sky I carry upon my shoulders, and if I shrug this will all come tumbling down, you see I said cum, you might snigger, to go, to come, to be, to see sum beautiful shyte, and know there is anything but the not the truth, and that’s what it is like, and it is quite hard to describe.
And it is better off in my hands, or your hands, or mouth, or your sweet Stanistan, which will soon by my new Staniland with untold riches, oh, it is sweet to wake up in the morning and to finish with the goat by slitting its throat and throwing it out the window, the sun rises, glorious, another grand day In this the zenith of your power, the peak, our final crescendo.
How wise is Augustus, Victorious and sent as Grand Kaiser to serve the people by becoming the will of the people, like Stalin the Great, Big Brother loves you, it does not deny you anything, it encourages your every perversion so it can record it and analyse and you it find it what you want to buy, because that is your weakness when you are not playing at your hobby of having a cause, or believing in something, or saying something  but not really caring, the rest of the time you are buying things, and you have to choose, oh, I would love to see them starving on the street, I would throw them money to eat, come to my table, and help me eat my paper, you say I do not share my wealth, and if you have never eaten hairy elephant’s scrotum you have never eaten a delicacy, he would eat anything once, and more than once and anything else, but an Elephant looked dangerous, and it might object,
There is nothing wrong or right with that, merely a precept of acceptance, the bloody goat is not a machine, and its brain is not made of computer chips, rather weak flesh that feels its pleasures, if it objected why it would scream in such delight.
No,  this is imply only to shock, no need for rituals, or gathering and dressing up in smelly cloaks, and dancing over Pentagrams, not us ,we are too busy counting our money in our freezing cold country houses. If conspiring is sleeping in between money counting sessions then we are plotting some thing, because it is tiring to keep on counting all that money day after day, and there is billions of it.
I am good man and I have only my wife, but I urge you to not trust power, or trust liars like me, what of delight, is life upon stale bread and sanctity or do you feel the heat of the debased the new,  you have no thoughts of this time, like all the other times, and four hundred generations, four hundred life-times and I have yet to meet someone even a molecule of any particular worth, such joys, but I tire of the same faces every day, and always need something new, you should trust me, I am the will of the people

In any such way, things are here to stay, Hey, Hey, Hey,
No matter what anybody else says, not even mother,
Or the Great Father because he is a portrait on a wall, a memory of greatness,
Of the ruthless means to defy at all costs so this could become possible,
Is morality measured in good deeds and the valiant virtue which is a reflection on the shined surface of some namesake valued much more than some men’s lives, like Animals, or lower beasts, like rats in a maze, scurrying around in a blazing daze, days pass, blasted out of this sneeze, like some disease, or is actions as need must, that is the greater cause, and if all the cares of the world were on my back, would you mock in all seriousness the advocacy of lunacy when presented by the inherent difficulties and complications which necessitate these delicate affairs.
Enter – Voluptasuevius
All day you sit and grumble to yourself, gnawing at bones, what delight, when you rule with all the riches of the world, of Babylon, its hordes are your slaves, its soldiers your most loyal servants, and you sit and grumble to yourself, see my beautiful body, I was chosen for my exceptionalism, if not me another, do you tire of women? Do you desire a boy? A Priest? Do you wish to confess? Do your past actions trouble you? Do you think you should have done things differently?
What has happened is unchangeable, the future lies before us, it is inevitable, Victoria, It arrives at this very moment Augustus, it will last forever,
You of sense and reason and love do not know Jealousy and hate, and rage, a deep and twisting anger that eats my body and I would laugh to see them eat Dog food, cast upon the earth to walk on all fours, they would devour their own kind at the last, without thought, even before it was too late, for it is a cold logic and devoid of heart from the rich to the poor, a strange selfishness that inhabits all them deep down in their reptilian core, like sum mendacious microchip that makes them act in ways that disgust, I am their will and their will is Insanity, the age of Cant has gone, Cast aside your superstitions, and the logic of the brain is the logic of the ego, or the logic of the heart, no need for my sly words or the dart to turn them to thoughts of wickedness, deceit, they expect us to be maligned and wronged Angels when they would sell their Wives for Bread.
There is hope where there is a heart, and where people do not walk alone, no place like home, the simple life is a right, the age of abundance, not the age of want, the age of the future, not the age of beginning of the great struggle, and how many more broken in this infernal race against other common folk in lands far abroad across all the world
A ways an A that, you are looking fucking gorgeous today,
It is indeed an excellent day, and sum Special Sensibilities are in order
What’s that?
That’s this
Only nice,
Call me Ronaldo,
I am the Grand Kaiser,
You said you were Ronaldo a minute ago,
You always try and demean me,
I wasn’t doing anything,
I could tell by the way you were looking at me,
I wasn’t doing anything

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Stemming soothe, bequeath cindering, thane fortuity, Bless that y curmudgeon, dallies forth, ahoy!
Ancients of MU
Apparatus, is that language? Is that a word? Is that a gesture? a tone, beyond your weary talk of tomes and bones, Enough of this and that, father, and the soil is the mother, and in flagrante coitus unto the womb is born thee Grand Kaiser, what say thy, Supplementary flying appal A ways, pay heed to the mob, it is the mob which fills your coffers, prepares your coffin, furnishes your tomb, the nation is the Grand Kaiser you must be magneto
‘One bastard to rule over the rest of the Bastards, let’s try and convince the dimwit that he is Solomon, brother Invicta’s Bow your head slightly, they will not expect it, make sure that first punch is aimed for your face, then make sure it hits your skull’
‘If you are ever in a fight with someone larger and quicker than you, head but his fist with the top of your skull, you will break his hand’
The Ancient King of Babylon returns from 500 hundred years of exile in the Jungle, proclaims, Babylon shall crumble
Nothing and remembered everything about something
Glass, were a gas, a façade, a placid reflection of lightning fast synergies, the unconscious acceptance, a flare, and all the people
These walls which were like Picket fences and barbed wire, he clawed his watt from that primeval jungle, to realise that these pyramids of
 His true age becoming apparent, but did he need to act, only at the precedent of society as he now saw it, as a thing uniform, nudging
He realised that the years had passed and his mind set had become obsessed with the ephemeral, the thing which captivates his reptile
He was too young to have an epiphany, this was no sudden sense of redemption, and it was something that had been troubling as he had blown
It happened the day he stopped smoking Green, at first he did not like it, feeling impatient and irritable, but then he realised it
In the nation, with their PlayStations, seeking Beatification, next to the train station, had forgotten,
Emancipation in the nation voting on yon
And looking grandly out upon the Ocean, and watch the rain and the mist, which is like an ethereal time beneath the encompassing escarpment unfolding beneath; and upon otherworldly spirits, somewhere,
It is desiccation, and it is a denial of your true worship of the law of carnality; a beautiful thing is lust, what bitter bread and freezing water is when all we are is but frost, and an Auspicious, August thing is all that is Just
DE pressure from regimentation
DE pressure from Dehumanisation
DE pressure from Globalisation
DE pressure from Americanisation
The feckless, the self-righteous, and the dalliances of the rich, we shall not carry these things on our shoulders.
Rather an example to follow, a path of education, of self-improvement, not to carry the feckless and self-righteous on our shoulders. Socialism is different from charity,
For thrift and trouble make them strong, and tough; true to that aspiration, truth can be a trick, and who would trust a tinker, and a little scheming thinker, yawning his mean little mouth like the gestations of a slimy slobbering pug, what thought do you have?
To look at that watch, and wonder, and feel the workings of this intricate machinery, unwinds unto a helicopter journey over Siberia five hundred years after they had arrived, shooting hairy elephants with a shotgun, a billion animals, horses, Lions, and Tigers; yes, and sum other beautiful shyte.
Camping for the night, sleeping on tree-tops that stretch as thick as thieves for as far as the eye can see, listen to the wolves howl, and the birds sing to the glorious bloody new dawn, and forgot what fertiliser you had ground into the dirt to make this paradise bloom; and mighty dragons sweep overhead for you knew that there were never Million year old Dinosaurs, rather the ravages’ that were your deadly steed, then Flying Back to Atlantis to worship the Morning Star,
To tilt the Earth upon its Southern Pole so that there would always be light, what mastery of the ancient light could point that Fate, too late, but this is legendary digression, for what transgression vexes the disconsolate upon this real Earth?
The Dirty Mob after your gold which like mythical Dragons you horde and hide, for this is in your interest, or is it your reptilian heart? That you cannot feed, and the sky will never cave in, and that you are fools, herded us like pack Animals into the Cities and now ask us to magic money from broken concrete sidewalks in the greater name of inane disinfection, and like lice, or lousy, and up to no good for anybody’s business but your simple own, sir.
Someone will reach for the Crown, it is as inevitable as the sea against the crumbling cliffs of however many seers of the past of careers spent, wise Victoria, The day of our Magnificent Victory, shall it be when a new King stands born from the exceptional spine which is Augustus, the glorious reign which shall be our last peak, and its great pity, that it knows nothing except Slavery, in words and lies this contract must be made, and one day the Age of Reason will explode like flesh upon that Magnificent Dawn
Decimation is the solution, I, I submit the new orders to the Generals, Decimation in the ranks, for dissention for more Gold is not allowed,
Oh to Swim in my Horde, and count it long in the night in my freezing dusty Stately tomb
It is the want of Kings to prepare its people for such things as austerity, these are troubled times, we have no spare for you, not enough for Circuses and you have plenty bread. Africans starve and squabble for your consumptive honour, and still you demand more, as if we have billions of things stored away, how many to count it day after day, to measure how much, day after day,
To pay for this Sin, cadre’ would you replace me for Consumptive consummation with queue’s for the cabbage soup dispensaries stretching back for Block after Block after Block, what a glorious thing it would be too see, because Poor people , we all agree, look better when they are thin, we feel like helping them sometimes, somewhere does not want suffering to be on the Television, and nothing has any vision beyond and above, and below, and underground, supers=sonic basis of dimensions.  

Enter – Conviviliatyicum
Hail Grand Kaiser, plans and devices I have for you Great Lord Augustus, for the grand age of Newfoundland, great works are to be commissioned, our mighty Armies will reach across the Oceans, Steel Arms which were once wooden walls to crush the world in our embrace at this our moment, this vital opportunity, this last attempt at intuition, had they run out of ideas? Had they realised that breaking everything would not make things work better, that magic invisible laws did not bring the sky tumbling to the ground. Never mind this nonsense; he had better plans, maps.
Grand Augustus, see here this barren land, how many people do you find here, not many, and none of note, and none of your proud and righteous citizens, Hail Jupiter, and Victoria.
Augustus calls bring me my Commanders and Generals, and they gather round.
From his side he brings a knife and three he slays, and he screams and spits at them as if suddenly convulsed by sum sudden fit of the indignities of the things that Great Kings must do to preserve honour and the truth in these vain climatic times, and as they cower, he asks them, What would Great Stalin have done? Look at these Maps? What would have the Old Father have advised?
This barren land, and not a citizen among them, and the power which is our last grasp, our riches are nothing without your impoverishment,
Compartilisation, there is nothing outside except dangerous people, and when the mob rises you would be hiding in your basement, they would be raping and thieving like the low down dirty animals they are, we keep the order, they are like Wolves and mindless Sharks which are machines programmed to react to some imaginary Postural Microwave Chip, they would leave this place like , because we would release all the criminals, empty the Jails, at the last moment, and would it be the punishment which we have imposed upon them to cause all this destruction, or would be it be for sum mortal sin at the core of their soulless Zombie desire, lust for all which has been denied, and satiated, would they reflect years later at their glorious crimes carried on in our name for our advantage, Pray, that such a Congregation does not gather, for what emotions lie beneath the lacquer of these words, sum instigator, remedy, the deadliest poisonous genetically modified Cat,
What will these Assassins think of next, Ninja’s in the doorway,
You should not fear treachery Grand Augustus for risen to the throne have you been raised and your voice is greater than the whole of the will of the people, and the senate and are but braying farm animals, send them more hay so they can sit and eat and shit and Groan like Spayed Bulls, more Cows than Horses, or better still Monkeys, Grand Kaiser, send them more Hay and they will listen,
See this barren place, beneath its Sands is all the wealth of the world for the next 500 hundred years, we must seize it now, or let someone else take it, or make from it, which you must surely agree is verging on the Fucking Obscene. We must Act now, while they are weak.
Grand Kaiser you must always think like Stalin the Great, remember how many died to make the Great Nation of Russia, to obliterate the Nazi’s, the mob will Love Sacrifice, what greater Sacrifice than to the greater cause, their Greater cause.
General Randstandafarian asks – Where, over there?
Exactly, Grand Kaiser, even your most Loyal Generals agree; it must be done
Yes, Yes, under the sun, from the halls of Montezuma to the Hills of Beverley along the river of Mediterranean, all the underground miners and the chicken herders of Kentucky, all the sniggering sniders, the vagabonds, reprobates, lend me your minds, What must I do?
Do not laugh, it is not a joke, I do what I must, this must be a surprise, do not take me for the modern political fool, this Carthage must be made no more, and its riches transferred forth- sooth
Generals, we must think of sum beautiful shyte to do now, something excellent like A Jet-ski or eat a, or just smell freshly plucked Pink Lady Apple, I always think that it is more fragrant than a single red rose, and was never sure why it always caused you such Alarm,
There are vulgar people out there, they know who they are, up to their elbows and I am not frightened to say so, I would do anything, and I tell you I have, but I would  be encouraging every one into little special perverted little circle of Hell
General, make orders to the Marine Legion, free bread to the destitute tonight, send them wine to warm their frozen bones, for the cripples and the beggars let them have this one night to celebrate, not for them bitter bread and dirty water, leftovers and maggots and bones, and stones, and birch, and gold, let them drink themselves stupid or until they are dead, let the be grateful to this Grand Kaiser
Exit Grand Kaiser Augustus Victoria
What is worse Ignorance or Apathy? Who knows, who cares, I am sorry Brother Invicta’s, we have encountered a special brand of stupid and egotism here, he is five times the fool of any of his kind, I must bite my tongue to stop my laughing at his cretin fury, like a demented spastic having an epileptic fit, the poor freak show would undoubtedly make more sense,  these are a breed apart.

Friday, 13 April 2012

The tanker was ready to leave the harbour, Abdul and his cronies were tasked with the dirty business of organising a certain debt collection facility, an amoral escopadical for which they were glad of payment.

It was a wire transfer, there were a billion wire transfers every day, do you think someone as rich as Prince would be able to disguise a payment to these people to transport the bomb from the Port in Cairo to Lebannon,

They did not notice a little fly that seemed to be following it, it was a flying microchip disguised as the foul buzzing monstrosity and this vertriangular spectacular escapadry flying machine attached itself where it was remotely controlled to go to., Which was to watch, another machine which tells the time.

Time flies when you are very bored, and these mercenaries were almost the most trivial annoyances and belches that they had ever had to watch.

Prince was not very smart, they had tracked his payments because he had some sort of tic, who knows why?, sometimes he just had to leave his symbol of things, and he had drawn it on the box with the bomb in it. They had noticed it as it had been driven to Cairo attached to a roof rack on top of a Hum Vee.

They were thinking they could not pay you to have to watch these people for days on end, they knew they had weapons, they knew the exact location, their fly had inspected the box, it was wooden all the way round. They could not get inside.

Who knows how much money it cost them to employ people to do this, it was bureaucracy gone mad, they spent the most, but on the most amount of fucking shit, and sitting about doing nothing for hours and hours on a massive Public salary, trying to track teenage fantasists on the internet, while Great Prince Billion dollars could enable the construction of a Death Star, a jagged point, Arabia would become a great power if all the nations of Islam were united.

Surely Prince, with his symbol, would be able to unite all the People, and this was his first act, his first ploy, in a strategy that would lead to the instatement of Arabia as a Great power and Empire in the world, no longer colonised by Turks, and Englishmen, and filthy Americans with their obsession with each other asses like Dogs in heat, they love to lick each other’s genitals, their greatest invention the internet is wholly devoted to asses and licking each other’s genitals. How stupid are they? They think a computer, which is a calculator with a typewriter attached, and you can browse catalogues and books on it, wow, a mobile Television screen.

The Chinese would not support the Americans, they will become the new trading partner for the Arabian state, they have more money now than the Americans, and they will buy our Black Gold, Black Tar.

Prince smokes his first hit of crack of the day, he starts to fucking scream as loud as he can at GOD,

They had tried to get a fly into to watch Prince, but he hated Flies, his all-female entourage, all young and more beautiful than money can buy, who served him in the unnatural state of nudity, they wish they could have got a fly in there, so there big assed selves can broadcast themselves on webcam whacking off to it and then sell the footage to wiki-leaks.

On flight decks and in the bowels of these floating cities deadly mirages upon the horizon, they had been high fiving each other for what seemed about 3 weeks straight, everyone was on a high, every centimetre had been scrubbed clean, four hundred thousand people were fed, watered, and at what cost?

The President thought long and hard about this, for what purpose he thought? What need for good honest American folk? Why pay this obscene amount of money? When they could be coming home and learning to live the simple life? Like all good folk these days, the peace movement had led to people starting energy equilibrium schemes all over the country, it is a new pastoralism, and we have encouraged those from inner city areas to join in this movement.

This has led to a remarkable reduction in the welfare bill, and we have funnelled that money to restart the Ford Motor company in Detroit, these cars will be subsidised, electrical, will only cost 50 Dollars to buy, and 10 dollars to maintain. They will have a top speed of fifty miles per hour; they take 5 minutes to reach that speed.

We hope to open factories like these all across the country, not only making Cars, but other goods, in order to fund this I am withdrawing Troops from many places around the Globe, our original constitution was written for the express desire of freedom, not to lay tyranny upon other peoples, but rather to let them decide their own destiny and only intervene where the lives of American citizens are innocently endangered, and this is a creed against Statism, to forever disenable the means of this great innovation away from Empires and Kings of becoming an Empire, god forbid that some great man would dare cross the Rubicon to become Dictator in Washington, like in Rome.

I feel that as a poor man with little formal education, only a deep love and respect for my fellow people and I do not see any difference in the souls of rich men or the souls of poor men, deep down we are all the same, and what poor men need are jobs and money to spend, and from there, all great things will follow.

In this decision, with this concession, which I have discussed long and hard with my Pastor, that the new America will not be a Cabal run by Billionaire robber barons, and cattle tyrants, trying to dam up the river, and get us of this land, so they can make money from more Billionaire Pirates living in Cities, and as a poor man I too know of your great disappointment with Congress and the Senate, I have decided to Bypass these institutions with this decision.

This is a breach of the constitution, however it is the only way to expose the level of corruption, and I feel that these institutions are dysfunctional and would try to block these decisions due to their desire to preserve the means of their great wealth and power over all others.

Do not worry, I have not been idle in my time as President, our agencies have collected a vast amount of information and intelligence on the corruption of the Senate and the Congress. We plan to prosecute these criminals on live television. And you see the pain on my face, do you not see the tears in my eyes, when I must tell you great Settler folk of the Freest nation, the greatest nation, the truest nation, the nation with most faith, when I tell you the level of corruption within the Senate and the Congress is so deep, it is rotten, therefore I must act to suspend these institutions temporarily for a period of six months, whilst these trials can take place, and then new elections can be held.

This is not technically a breach of the Constitution, just an Intermission. The new Senate will be chosen from the people this time not the Robber Barons and Billionaires, why should they live and make you work as Slaves; there money should be shared amongst the people.

The Justices of the Peace have agreed.

They all remembered, all the down and outs, on New Year when the trucks arrived with bread meat, and wine at New Year; New coats for them all. They were giving out envelopes of money out at the subway station. It was like the World had turned upside down.

You heard stories of them fleeing the cities in their helicopters trying to some space in overcrowded Bermuda and St Bart’s, the ones that tried to run were arrested like Criminals and incarcerated.

And then there was the day when they released all the petty crime three strikers, they gave them a thousand dollars each and sent them back to the cities, and the Government was offering jobs in the Shoe factories, the Car factories. Marijuana legalised within certain districts. Business boomed.

They were all saying it wouldn’t last, the end of days lunatics, and survivalists were already out on the hills barricading themselves waiting for the FBI. But they did not care, they left them there, let them rot, they will come back.

The Trials went on for weeks, a separate Trial was held for Senators and Congressmen deceased.

They had released forty years of Archives; they had been listening to, and reading everything. These people had no privacy, their lives were being dragged over hot coals, every incidence of temper, of swearing, of bullying, of lying, of greasing the oily wheels, caught examined, with no means of defence, only to sit shame faces in front of a million viewers.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012



Chinese SMSB’s gain air superiority over the Pacific

As they approach the west coast the US launches a massive nuclear attack on China and its SMSB’s

5 Billion People perish.

The Chinese manage to fire off several hundred missiles before the evisceration in the nation.

The USA is decimated.

In an underground bunker the Commander in Chief authorises the launch of the remaining US Nuclear Arsenal (which they did not destroy) against Russia

Russia retaliates with strikes on Europe and the USA

In the slums of Rio they watch the skies flash white a thousand times, a stark and eerie shade of unreality in the sky looms the silhouette of Cristo Redondo

In the Slums of Lagos all around the skies flash white in the night and gusts of baked air sweep over the tin roofs,

On the Shores of Kerala fishermen collect their fish

The Man in the moon sees this and knows that this is his moment. His power such that all television screens somehow could show nothing but his descent into the heart of Africa.

He sets foot upon the earth, this Giant beside a group of people, he is twenty thousand years old not including his times in stasis inside the moon, this is his last day on Earth. From above he has watched this people and in this place he saw the most beautiful Women on the whole of wide world.

She saw this nine foot tall Blackman and thought that she looked at a God so peaceful was his face, but he had only time for love, and he took her by the hand and launched himself into the air, and whisked her to a desert island.

He made love to her all night and when she finally fell asleep exhausted, she awoke to find him dead by her side, and she wept silently for a minute, then realised she was fully pregnant.

Two hours later she gave birth five times,,

The first child put out the fires then flew off into the deep galaxy back to Earth because he could

The second child cleared the skies from the dust and disappeared into the deep galaxy

The third child took the rubble and built another moon for Jupiter and lived on it with his Harem of Mermaids under three kilometres of ice

The fourth child planted trees in the ruins and then evaporated into Carbon Dioxide. The temperature went up and the tundra in Siberia melted. A billion trees grew and a billion beasts roamed this abundance.

The Fifth child was an Angel of Death and made sure that only two million remained on each Continent

Saturday, 17 March 2012


16-6-1 – 31-12-1

The United States Government builds a fleet of super massive solar Bombers (the clever trick was getting them up above cloud cover) as big as oil tankers, made from polyuitheratediharatethylanidinism, with super massive artillery attached to their sides. They called it the flying battering ram, one of them could hold five thousand men, ten thousand tonnes (???), and it took a ridiculous amount of punishment to knock it out of the sky.

The attack on China took three weeks with ten thousand of these monoliths hovering over mainland China raining down Death and Destructions with the Red Army shooting back. The unbelievable Titanic sight of a Chinese Super massive Transport ship ramming into the Super Massive Solar Bombers, then to see a massive explosion, and then when they smoke cleared the Super Massive Bombers were still defiant in the Sky. Or a super massive Transport anchoring alongside a Super Massive Bomber and an Arsenal of Artillery opening fire and from below, a hundred thousand missiles massed and firing simultaneously and downing the massive beast

Then the Chinese started to build super massive bombers they did not have access to advanced materials but they compensated for that deficiency in numbers. High over the Pacific ten Chinese Bombers would try to attack a US Bomber and a hundred thousand tonnes(???) of metal would crash ad boil into the deep Pacific, the US Bomber victorious, but then 50 more, then a hundred more.

They would crash into the Pacific the water boiling where the now abundant metal and plastic eating fungi stained the once blue water purple.

A Chines super massive Solar Bomber was equipped with a hundred thousand medium range missiles, and half way over the Pacific it fired, California was decimated, forest fires raged unchecked for weeks

The First European and Russian Super Massive Solar Bombers were already being built in the State Run factories,

The British government decided to use tactical level nuclear weapons on Preston and Darlington whilst it had the opportunity.

A Frenchman won the Gold Medal for the 100m at the Paris Olympics

Demand for exports had disappeared in Africa. People started to grow food for local consumption again. Life expectancy increased.

South American governments legalise Cocaine and Marijuana.


31-1-1 – 15-6-1

Worldwide there are oil shortages, people queue for hours for oil, then they supermarket shelves start to empty, then the oil in the pumps is not there

Cars were left abandoned; there is no need for Apache Helicopter

In the Cities after a few weeks there was no food accept those who could afford to hoard and protect it, amongst the poor a feral hunger took over on an almost nationwide scale

They hunted the fat people first, and they cooked and ate them. Salted the meat and started to walk into the wilderness. The strong would eat the weak that was the law of nature. If they were lucky they found farms and depots full of rotting food, the millions of battery hens rotting in salmonella filth, the pigs eating the rotting carcass, only the cows still docile, and the Lions must have escaped because Elephants were roaming the Great Plains and they were doing fine. And a group of travellers saw an African Male Lion lounging on a hill and took it as a good sign that they would find a farm.

Hundreds and Thousands and Thousands and Tens – Decimated

The Commander in Chief speaks of grand virtue in this time, and let the immigrants rot.

There was oil enough for the army and the police and they helped these useless slaves on their way, no use for them now

And eventually openly against this outrage of cannibalism and of thieving from property they sent their military police and slaughtered the immigrants and piled their bodies into pits, and laughed, laughed long into the night, for they who were once old are now young, ad laughs.

Rationing of food is introduced for the White People

The Chinese army holds its positions in Jakarta, they are under constant attack, mounds of bodies lie on the roads surrounding the airport, it reinforces its positions every four hours using Planes as large as Oil Tankers

China captures the Capital of Kazakhstan, and the State is annexed. This seems to have been some sort of Deal between the Russians and the Chinese to secede this province from Western Interests

An enormous Russian Armoured Column smashed into Azerbaijan in a very quick advance and sweep down through the mountain roads into Iran taking control of the shattered Cities quickly. Little aid reaches the survivors

US Forces have maintained and strengthened their defensive positions on the Kuwaiti Border. They now stand on a front with Russian troops, and it is a cold peace with which they eye each other

The Turkish, Syrian Army had been completely crushed on the North Israel.

The slaughter of citizens continues in the USA, Israel, Palestine and Kashmir

The War between England and Scotland and the cause of it had been explained as hoax performed for the device of television by Dominic Knight, master of illusion, to perform, a certain work of art, in the troubled times, eye, eye, eye.


06:00 AM Most of the US Airforce’s B-52’s are lost over the Iranian border, shot down by Chinese Stealth fighters

07:00 AM All offensive US operations are halted. Several Divisions retreat to defensive positions within Israel, US operations halt on the Kuwaiti border.

07:30 AM the Eastern half of the Suez Canal is seized by the 3rd US Armoured Brigade

08:00 AM a Cease-fire is declared between Egypt, USA and Israel.

09:00 AM Casualty estimates are at least over 2 Billion

10:00 AM Inside the moon he is very tired he cannot move yet, he was old when he retired here, he saves his final strength for as he watches he begins to understand, watch the blue planet beneath him erupt into Chaos. His time would come.

11:00 AM Battles rage in Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Israel

12:00 PM Civilians are being slaughtered by soldiers in the USA, Kashmir, Israel, and Palestine

13:00 PM At least four hundred billion are suffering radiation burns or sickness

14:00 PM Ivan Putin demands more money for Gas from the European Union

14:02 PM The European Union agrees to pay as they always do.

14:03 PM The bear has a knowing look in its eye now, no longer in doubt about its superior position

15:00 PM US Troops occupy the UN Building. Hundreds of Diplomats are executed

16:00 PM There are some fat fucking Crows in Kashmir in this brutal conflict. Flocks of seagulls feed on all the Liberal dead in New York and Boston. They are getting the homeless to dig pits and they dump the body in and then they execute the homeless. Bullet factories have doubled their productivity in three days

17:00 PM Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, and South Korea announce support for Chinese.

18:00 PM Chinese troops land and occupy Jakarta Airport

19:00 PM In a co-ordinated attack US Submarines and High Altitude drones target Beijing and Shanghai with their usual surgical precision, civilian casualties are very high. In Times Square crowds gather to cheer the explosions, and watch the Skyscrapers tumble like they were watching the latest summer blockbuster

20:00 PM Turkish and Syrian advance forces start the first of extended pitched battles with USISA forces in Northern Israel. US Air power has decimated the column on its advance, but, for them it is now truly Jihad.

21:00 PM A group of Iranian students make a you-tube video calling for peace and proclaiming themselves, in the complete absence of government, the proper authority with whom to deal. They post filmed evidence that the army has deserted. The survivors are in temporary accommodation and are dying. They say Peace because we did not fight, we did not order this attack, we are innocent, and spare the people of Iran now that the Crazed fanatics who were our government are gone. This offer is given blanket cover on rolling news which is being shown on every channel

22:00 PM the UK PM phones the president offering a couple of Frigates before realising he is speaking to the answer phone

23:00 PM All he had was a shovel, people were struggling all round him, almost wrestling, they were equally matched here, he just closes his eyes and swings the shovel around his head, trying to ward of his Pakistani Attackers, he had not been an Indian Soldier for more than a day, and his swing hits,, a wonderful glorious crack as his neck breaks, and if with a burst of adrenalin he connects with another and his eye explodes as the edge of the spade gouges his eye, and he falls to the ground screaming, he has a moment to pause. He looks around him, the dust kicked up and flecked with blood, clouds of flies are thick around him, and he is the last Indian alive here. Five Pakistan’s move towards him like Leopards, jeering and patting there clubs. He closes his eyes and begins to swing the spade around his head screaming, the bodies thicker than autumn leaves upon the parched ground.

24:00 PM A secret meeting in Brussels issues orders to Mobilise and begin War Production in the European Union.

Friday, 16 March 2012



The attacks on Israel begin at Dawn but the joint USISA forces are waiting for them and spring their trap driving the Egyptians back into the Sinai in Chaos. To the north and the East as well, the USISA forces advance.

The Iranian advance has stopped in Arabia because the B-52’s have left a trail of hulking wrecks. The damage to the infrastructure and oil production is Saudi Arabia is so severe that all exports halt. Small bands of Iranian commandoes and paratroopers have infiltrated the Oil facilities and have completely sabotaged them.

US Forces begin to advance from Riyadh towards the Kuwaiti border.

B-52 raids pound Iranian defensive positions, enormous bunker busting bombs are dropped on all known and suspected facilities. The Iranian government has ceased to exist. The Government of Iran suffered 100% casualties. They are not alone. The Turkish army is moving to meet the US advance from Israel.

News programs are running graphics on numbers of casualties.

Preachers are pointing to the fact that all the dead are Muslims and Jews, so this is the time of the rapture. And the nine foot tall naked Blackman on the television was Lucifer. The President certainly agreed going on the relevision to let every know that this must be Lucifer and we must fight “Onward Christian Soldiers, Was it not a fact the all the cities hit were not Christian, We are righteous in God’s eyes”

The Military Police did this day what they liked to do grab liberals make them kneel on the sidewalk and shoot them in the head

The Chinese army begins the invasion of Kazakhstan.

The Pope issues a statement asking for Peace.

Kazakhstan knocks a rock which falls on a bears head and it wakes up ad yawns

11:11 English forces seize the Scottish Football team and there manager and execute them live on television and then claim the Fifa World Cup as their own

11:12 a small asteroid lands in the centre of London. Who could expect such a hand of God?

11:40PM Scottish armed forces have invaded the North of England and were welcomed by the Locals who have long been impoverished and been forced to work as serfs by those obsessed by fancies and thought dogs and horses were more important than people.

11:45 The Taliban invade Texas with Paratroopers and donkey mounted artillery. There initial incursions are mostly repelled by the exceedingly well armed locals who succeed in killing more of their fellow Americans with joy-de-vivre than the invaders could ever imagine

12:00PM The halls of heaven and hell are full of heaving bodies. And a young man laughs, laughs, because he was old once, laughs, laughs


At daybreak Taiwan disappears, a raging explosion, one after another, as fifty thousand missiles pummel its Cities into the dust.
Simultaneously five Satellite guided missiles are fired and sink the 5 remaining US Carriers
The Chiefs of Staff are urging the nuclear option, but the President wants to talk about is what happened on the relevision last night, no matter how hard they urge him, he refuses to launch his missiles
The Chinese government releases a declaration of war a hundred thousand pages long and I could not elegantly describe it here, but to butcher and paraphrase “Down Capitalist pig dog scum, the day of our magnificent Victory has come”
People are breaking down in the cities in the US. They go mad, or they go stealing, or they carry on. And the powers that be are angrier,
At 7PM the Chief of the Joint staff shoots the President in the head and assumes control of the country
At 9 PM he declares martial law.
At 11 PM he reveals his true nature and says rather than destroy the world with Nuclear weapons that we wolf would fight the old fashioned honourable war now, a modern chivalry.
At 12 PM those outraged by the slaughter knew now that they should have kept quiet as the Military Police marched them out of their houses and onto the streets and shot them dead for acts of treason against the United States of America
The appearance of the nine foot tall naked Blackman has now been unveiled as some sort of hoax. The media experts were astounded, and were puzzled how they had managed this, astounded, but it was frankly ridiculous that this was some sort of portent, the timing made sure that this was hijinks at the maximality of oustandingness
Hundreds of Thousands queued to join up, or too work in the Factories, in the USA. Unemployment vanished overnight. GDP Tripled.
The Pope congratulated the President on not using Nuclear Weapons.
The Chinese release a statement saying they will not use Nuclear Weapons because they care for the environment.
The ashes of all the Jews blow in the wind, and the few remaining wail.
The Holy shrine is gone,
Advance reconnaissance forces of the Iranian column are involved in fierce clashes with American paratroopers on the outskirts of Riyadh.
The Russians raze the price of Gas imports to Germany a feather tickles the nose of the sleeping bear. Ivan Putin releases a statement confirming Russia’s neutrality unless Russian citizens are attacked. The Germans agree to pay like they always do.
5 US Divisions are airlifted into Jerusalem and 4 into Riyadh. 
 That was like a move. The gulf is empty of shipping.
B-52 start to pound the Iranian armoured column
At 9 PM Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore are annihilated. The exchange is brief and slaughter is great. Deep within the Indian Ocean the massive belching toad grows another thousand miles in diameter.
A man in his high tower once old miraculously becomes young again, and laughs, laughs.
At 9.30PM Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad burn like warning beacons
At 10PM the most disorganised brutal battle without quarter and without mercy begins. Within hours tens of thousands are dead, but millions queue to join there ranks
At 11PM Isfahan is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11.11PM Tehran is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:15PM Baghdad is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:17PM Istanbul is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:20PM Cairo is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 12:00PM The Israelis release a statement condemning a rogue General who they have now apprehended and shot who ordered these attacks


The dust would not settle on this fated day.

Daybreak – The Hormuz Strait

Twenty thousand speedboats packed with high explosives set out as the USS Augustus Victoria rattles its sabre in its endless indication of its superiority. Its presence detected by chance from a Chinese device implanted on a passenger jet.

They only had so many missiles like the Nazis in Russia they were overwhelmed by numbers.

The entire flotilla was sinking high above Jets screamed in anger but they were not designed for this mass of foes. Missiles and cannon raking through them yet still they come , thicker like Insects at a floodlit tennis match in India

And left at last some were denied the chance of martyrdom and the sped from here and there to shoot the stragglers in the water, as if caught in a sudden shocked calm, as the great fires sunk beneath the waves.

Kuwait Border – T-0 minutes

The armoured column was ready, in only four hours they had crossed from Kuwait into Saudi Arabia. The sky ahead was thick with black smoke, Chinese made missiles had hit the Ghawar Field and many sites far beyond.

The US reaction was slow, there was total panic, no one was prepared, they had a negotiated solution to the Iranian Nuclear Position, and it had all been signed and delivered in Shanghai. Planes were being scrambled to targets, the troops were been told to sit in defensive positions, they did not know what was going to happen next. They were in conference calls for hours with the EU, the Chinese, Scotland, and Brazil.

Full mobilisation had been implemented in Tel-Aviv. However, no attack had arrived yet

No statement had been made by the Iranian government, no declaration of war.


Iranian paratroopers land in Bahrain and seize the Royal Palace. They are led out and given to the mob.

The Iranian tank column is deep in the Saudi Desert. They have fitted their vehicles with reverse engineered Vacuum Cleaners in order to create a perpetual sand storm which in effect cloaks their vehicles from Air Attack. There troops wear gas masks. They remember these small details.

The US has started to airlift Divisions into Riyadh. Due to Budget cutting measures there is only a very small Garrison guarding the Airport. The Iranians had been having what seemed like free and fair elections. The new religious leader had seemed like a moderate, he had given the women more rights, and had hung the rapists and paedophiles from telegraph poles by their balls along the Khorosan Highway

Precision Air Strikes begin on Iranian targets. Over 500 sorties a day

There is an emergency session in the Security Council. Russia and China do not attend.


It is the day of the World Cup Final.

At Wembley Stadium Scotland play England.

At half time it is England 1 Scotland 6

They have had to replace the net three times due to the shooting power and prowess of the Scottish Players.

At Half Time there is a flash of light from the South East.

A billion phones connect to the news channels to see the mushroom cloud blooming over Tel-Aviv

The English demand that the match is cancelled. FIFA agrees this cannot go on.

The Scottish Fans riot in the Street of London and manage to break into Buckingham Palace and steal all the furniture.

At midnight the Scottish players and the manager are still sitting on the pitch crying.

All over the world except in one small nation, where they are fuming at the fucking Cheating English Bastards – and would you expect anything less, they confirm that the attack in Tel-Aviv is 10 Megaton nuclear explosions, no missile was detected. Intelligence services are concluding that this must have been a terrorist attack.

Israeli planes are scrambled armed with nuclear devices. In blind fury they fly to Mecca and deliver there payload, vaporising the pilgrims.

And that massive energy triggers that most ancient artefact hidden within that ancient shrine. The Black stone which had been found embedded in the centre of the great pyramid of Giza. It reached its operating temperature and it dispatched its signal.

Deep within the centre of the moon a switch flicked. The lights came on. He woke up. His monitor came to life. He was aware. On every television screen for a minute they saw his face, watched him slowly wake up. Then it fizzed and went back to replays of that mushroom cloud, of tanks and of wars for a minute. Then what was that and did the Christians fall their knees to worship a nine foot tall naked Blackman plugged into a machine?

War and Peace


The dust would not settle on this fated day.

Daybreak – The Hormuz Strait

Twenty thousand speedboats packed with high explosives set out as the USS Augustus Victoria rattles its sabre in its endless indication of its superiority. Its presence detected by chance from a Chinese device implanted on a passenger jet.

They only had so many missiles like the Nazis in Russia they were overwhelmed by numbers.

The entire flotilla was sinking high above Jets screamed in anger but they were not designed for this mass of foes. Missiles and cannon raking through them yet still they come , thicker like Insects at a floodlit tennis match in India

And left at last some were denied the chance of martyrdom and the sped from here and there to shoot the stragglers in the water, as if caught in a sudden shocked calm, as the great fires sunk beneath the waves.

Kuwait Border – T-0 minutes

The armoured column was ready, in only four hours they had crossed from Kuwait into Saudi Arabia. The sky ahead was thick with black smoke, Chinese made missiles had hit the Ghawar Field and many sites far beyond.

The US reaction was slow, there was total panic, no one was prepared, they had a negotiated solution to the Iranian Nuclear Position, and it had all been signed and delivered in Shanghai. Planes were being scrambled to targets, the troops were been told to sit in defensive positions, they did not know what was going to happen next. They were in conference calls for hours with the EU, the Chinese, Scotland, and Brazil.

Full mobilisation had been implemented in Tel-Aviv. However, no attack had arrived yet

No statement had been made by the Iranian government, no declaration of war.


Iranian paratroopers land in Bahrain and seize the Royal Palace. They are led out and given to the mob.

The Iranian tank column is deep in the Saudi Desert. They have fitted their vehicles with reverse engineered Vacuum Cleaners in order to create a perpetual sand storm which in effect cloaks their vehicles from Air Attack. There troops wear gas masks. They remember these small details.

The US has started to airlift Divisions into Riyadh. Due to Budget cutting measures there is only a very small Garrison guarding the Airport. The Iranians had been having what seemed like free and fair elections. The new religious leader had seemed like a moderate, he had given the women more rights, and had hung the rapists and paedophiles from telegraph poles by their balls along the Khorosan Highway

Precision Air Strikes begin on Iranian targets. Over 500 sorties a day

There is an emergency session in the Security Council. Russia and China do not attend.


It is the day of the World Cup Final.

At Wembley Stadium Scotland play England.

At half time it is England 1 Scotland 6

They have had to replace the net three times due to the shooting power and prowess of the Scottish Players.

At Half Time there is a flash of light from the South East.

A billion phones connect to the news channels to see the mushroom cloud blooming over Tel-Aviv

The English demand that the match is cancelled. FIFA agrees this cannot go on.

The Scottish Fans riot in the Street of London and manage to break into Buckingham Palace and steal all the furniture.

At midnight the Scottish players and the manager are still sitting on the pitch crying.

All over the world except in one small nation, where they are fuming at the fucking Cheating English Bastards – and would you expect anything less, they confirm that the attack in Tel-Aviv is 10 Megaton nuclear explosions, no missile was detected. Intelligence services are concluding that this must have been a terrorist attack.

Israeli planes are scrambled armed with nuclear devices. In blind fury they fly to Mecca and deliver there payload, vaporising the pilgrims.

And that massive energy triggers that most ancient artefact hidden within that ancient shrine. The Black stone which had been found embedded in the centre of the great pyramid of Giza. It reached its operating temperature and it dispatched its signal.

Deep within the centre of the moon a switch flicked. The lights came on. He woke up. His monitor came to life. He was aware. On every television screen for a minute they saw his face, watched him slowly wake up. Then it fizzed and went back to replays of that mushroom cloud, of tanks and of wars for a minute. Then what was that and did the Christians fall their knees to worship a nine foot tall naked Blackman plugged into a machine?