Monday, 3 September 2012

However, if it is granted that those who work for the State vote Democratic, and those who vote Republican in the median demographic bulge are rational in their behaviour and for them the State indulging in rent-seeking activities harms them more in terms of their middle class lifestyle than does the rent-seeking behaviour of the corporations for who they work.
It is by no co-incidence that Economic Growth is measured by the value of taxation receipts received.
In my humble opinion the ever increasing value of the State Treasury is what leads to Empires, and Wars.
It is Qualitative Growth by happen-stance It is an ideology which Baffles,
To view the state as neutral would be incorrect, I really do think that a system by which Micro-economic power is devolved to a lower level, the Macroeconomic obsession ends, local rather than global solutions to welfare provision.
I guess show trials of the rich for their corruption and then fining them is too Stalinistic, on the other hand the Roman system of Law was renowned for such prosecution of improper ethics with regards to past Tax Liabilities. Such Fines would encourage better behaviour. (If it were not for the written law)
And more importantly do not let anyone find out who the governments, and banks are actually in debt too?
Is it is a Gordian Knot of dependencies or a Cabal ?

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