Friday, 16 March 2012


At daybreak Taiwan disappears, a raging explosion, one after another, as fifty thousand missiles pummel its Cities into the dust.
Simultaneously five Satellite guided missiles are fired and sink the 5 remaining US Carriers
The Chiefs of Staff are urging the nuclear option, but the President wants to talk about is what happened on the relevision last night, no matter how hard they urge him, he refuses to launch his missiles
The Chinese government releases a declaration of war a hundred thousand pages long and I could not elegantly describe it here, but to butcher and paraphrase “Down Capitalist pig dog scum, the day of our magnificent Victory has come”
People are breaking down in the cities in the US. They go mad, or they go stealing, or they carry on. And the powers that be are angrier,
At 7PM the Chief of the Joint staff shoots the President in the head and assumes control of the country
At 9 PM he declares martial law.
At 11 PM he reveals his true nature and says rather than destroy the world with Nuclear weapons that we wolf would fight the old fashioned honourable war now, a modern chivalry.
At 12 PM those outraged by the slaughter knew now that they should have kept quiet as the Military Police marched them out of their houses and onto the streets and shot them dead for acts of treason against the United States of America
The appearance of the nine foot tall naked Blackman has now been unveiled as some sort of hoax. The media experts were astounded, and were puzzled how they had managed this, astounded, but it was frankly ridiculous that this was some sort of portent, the timing made sure that this was hijinks at the maximality of oustandingness
Hundreds of Thousands queued to join up, or too work in the Factories, in the USA. Unemployment vanished overnight. GDP Tripled.
The Pope congratulated the President on not using Nuclear Weapons.
The Chinese release a statement saying they will not use Nuclear Weapons because they care for the environment.
The ashes of all the Jews blow in the wind, and the few remaining wail.
The Holy shrine is gone,
Advance reconnaissance forces of the Iranian column are involved in fierce clashes with American paratroopers on the outskirts of Riyadh.
The Russians raze the price of Gas imports to Germany a feather tickles the nose of the sleeping bear. Ivan Putin releases a statement confirming Russia’s neutrality unless Russian citizens are attacked. The Germans agree to pay like they always do.
5 US Divisions are airlifted into Jerusalem and 4 into Riyadh. 
 That was like a move. The gulf is empty of shipping.
B-52 start to pound the Iranian armoured column
At 9 PM Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore are annihilated. The exchange is brief and slaughter is great. Deep within the Indian Ocean the massive belching toad grows another thousand miles in diameter.
A man in his high tower once old miraculously becomes young again, and laughs, laughs.
At 9.30PM Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad burn like warning beacons
At 10PM the most disorganised brutal battle without quarter and without mercy begins. Within hours tens of thousands are dead, but millions queue to join there ranks
At 11PM Isfahan is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11.11PM Tehran is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:15PM Baghdad is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:17PM Istanbul is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 11:20PM Cairo is hit by an Israeli Nuclear Missile
At 12:00PM The Israelis release a statement condemning a rogue General who they have now apprehended and shot who ordered these attacks

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