16-6-1 – 31-12-1
The United States Government builds a fleet of super massive solar Bombers (the clever trick was getting them up above cloud cover) as big as oil tankers, made from polyuitheratediharatethylanidinism, with super massive artillery attached to their sides. They called it the flying battering ram, one of them could hold five thousand men, ten thousand tonnes (???), and it took a ridiculous amount of punishment to knock it out of the sky.
The attack on China took three weeks with ten thousand of these monoliths hovering over mainland China raining down Death and Destructions with the Red Army shooting back. The unbelievable Titanic sight of a Chinese Super massive Transport ship ramming into the Super Massive Solar Bombers, then to see a massive explosion, and then when they smoke cleared the Super Massive Bombers were still defiant in the Sky. Or a super massive Transport anchoring alongside a Super Massive Bomber and an Arsenal of Artillery opening fire and from below, a hundred thousand missiles massed and firing simultaneously and downing the massive beast
Then the Chinese started to build super massive bombers they did not have access to advanced materials but they compensated for that deficiency in numbers. High over the Pacific ten Chinese Bombers would try to attack a US Bomber and a hundred thousand tonnes(???) of metal would crash ad boil into the deep Pacific, the US Bomber victorious, but then 50 more, then a hundred more.
They would crash into the Pacific the water boiling where the now abundant metal and plastic eating fungi stained the once blue water purple.
A Chines super massive Solar Bomber was equipped with a hundred thousand medium range missiles, and half way over the Pacific it fired, California was decimated, forest fires raged unchecked for weeks
The First European and Russian Super Massive Solar Bombers were already being built in the State Run factories,
The British government decided to use tactical level nuclear weapons on Preston and Darlington whilst it had the opportunity.
A Frenchman won the Gold Medal for the 100m at the Paris Olympics
Demand for exports had disappeared in Africa. People started to grow food for local consumption again. Life expectancy increased.
South American governments legalise Cocaine and Marijuana.
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