Saturday, 17 March 2012


06:00 AM Most of the US Airforce’s B-52’s are lost over the Iranian border, shot down by Chinese Stealth fighters

07:00 AM All offensive US operations are halted. Several Divisions retreat to defensive positions within Israel, US operations halt on the Kuwaiti border.

07:30 AM the Eastern half of the Suez Canal is seized by the 3rd US Armoured Brigade

08:00 AM a Cease-fire is declared between Egypt, USA and Israel.

09:00 AM Casualty estimates are at least over 2 Billion

10:00 AM Inside the moon he is very tired he cannot move yet, he was old when he retired here, he saves his final strength for as he watches he begins to understand, watch the blue planet beneath him erupt into Chaos. His time would come.

11:00 AM Battles rage in Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Israel

12:00 PM Civilians are being slaughtered by soldiers in the USA, Kashmir, Israel, and Palestine

13:00 PM At least four hundred billion are suffering radiation burns or sickness

14:00 PM Ivan Putin demands more money for Gas from the European Union

14:02 PM The European Union agrees to pay as they always do.

14:03 PM The bear has a knowing look in its eye now, no longer in doubt about its superior position

15:00 PM US Troops occupy the UN Building. Hundreds of Diplomats are executed

16:00 PM There are some fat fucking Crows in Kashmir in this brutal conflict. Flocks of seagulls feed on all the Liberal dead in New York and Boston. They are getting the homeless to dig pits and they dump the body in and then they execute the homeless. Bullet factories have doubled their productivity in three days

17:00 PM Vietnam, Japan, Philippines, and South Korea announce support for Chinese.

18:00 PM Chinese troops land and occupy Jakarta Airport

19:00 PM In a co-ordinated attack US Submarines and High Altitude drones target Beijing and Shanghai with their usual surgical precision, civilian casualties are very high. In Times Square crowds gather to cheer the explosions, and watch the Skyscrapers tumble like they were watching the latest summer blockbuster

20:00 PM Turkish and Syrian advance forces start the first of extended pitched battles with USISA forces in Northern Israel. US Air power has decimated the column on its advance, but, for them it is now truly Jihad.

21:00 PM A group of Iranian students make a you-tube video calling for peace and proclaiming themselves, in the complete absence of government, the proper authority with whom to deal. They post filmed evidence that the army has deserted. The survivors are in temporary accommodation and are dying. They say Peace because we did not fight, we did not order this attack, we are innocent, and spare the people of Iran now that the Crazed fanatics who were our government are gone. This offer is given blanket cover on rolling news which is being shown on every channel

22:00 PM the UK PM phones the president offering a couple of Frigates before realising he is speaking to the answer phone

23:00 PM All he had was a shovel, people were struggling all round him, almost wrestling, they were equally matched here, he just closes his eyes and swings the shovel around his head, trying to ward of his Pakistani Attackers, he had not been an Indian Soldier for more than a day, and his swing hits,, a wonderful glorious crack as his neck breaks, and if with a burst of adrenalin he connects with another and his eye explodes as the edge of the spade gouges his eye, and he falls to the ground screaming, he has a moment to pause. He looks around him, the dust kicked up and flecked with blood, clouds of flies are thick around him, and he is the last Indian alive here. Five Pakistan’s move towards him like Leopards, jeering and patting there clubs. He closes his eyes and begins to swing the spade around his head screaming, the bodies thicker than autumn leaves upon the parched ground.

24:00 PM A secret meeting in Brussels issues orders to Mobilise and begin War Production in the European Union.

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