It is no circumstance beyond mine mortal control, sum
magnificent dream, sum distant spire, sum far mountain range where the brave
batter another foothold on a sheer face of an incomprehensible crystalline
Diamond which reflects the snow and super massive hailstones that are like
rocks smashing on a face which is numbed and the struggle is diminished, a last
strength is failing, and leans from the side holding on with one are, swaying,
at this moment – fervidity..
Collapsing unto wards sum other thing, beneath and below,
cavities dark and cancerous looming from the horizon, desiccating, disseminating
the malign influence of the free jugular coniferous, constant, time is nothing
but bad memories of what you wanted your dreams to be, an living in the past is
like looking through a looking glass, especially if your smashed. Dashed I was,
and crass besides, minds you, I felt sum thing extraordinary once, it was the
purest disbelief, a fantastic contrarious insignificant perusal of the didactic
relativity of sum indicative opinion is.
It is a beautiful thing to sing in the moonlight when your
are fucked, to dance, or I prefer to sit because I am very fucking lazy and
that’s a god thing, and I hope you all get shin splints, not even that but
worse, sum sing in the moonlight, the light is too bright, too stupendously
dazzling and confusing, yet sum how sum thing felt just right, like flight the
penguin was incapable, dastardly and scheming about anything that even looked
like it
Hearts and Spades, jacks and Aces, a fool’s luck is sacrifice
for honour, is a replacement for dignity, for a morale compass, a decision is a
void thing, and what the fuck do I know, just sum beautiful thing, sum beautiful
thing to fill my time and day rather than this, what pain is the toil, and what
is rain next to a river, water.
Agony would be
welcomed in all lives,
It makes everything seem better much afterwards,
Like sharp and silver piercing knives,
Here come the brutal self-redeeming indigo bastards.
All are cast once as willing thieves,
Then years later and honest and stand bearing the noble
No judgement on any true beliefs, once won,
All things are bright and beautiful under the Grandstands
and garlands
No Hell for any thought of sin for all are tempted,
Such is the beautiful thing which is lust,
No greater earthly delight than ever in your darkest you truly
All will be yours for you are nought but dust,
They shall worship your elegant ornate bust,
When years from now Grande’ Victoria is Augustus
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