Tuesday, 24 March 2015

They were getting closer, infinitesimally nearer with every passing moment to Eden. For almost 250,000 years they had slowly accelerated and for another 250,000 years they had decelerated. \\\\\
There were chambers carved deep inside this vessel with holographic representations of maps of their passage. The stars had been counted and labelled with numbers and letters; too many for any one person to read with interest. The wisest among them Asheroth,  TAsh and Baal knew many things of the stars but they knew that this knowledge was of trivial importance. Each generation had furthered their stagnation, there were no children, and their was nothing to build or innovate with. They did not die, they did not need food or water, their lifespans seeming to stretch to eternity like time. The strongest of them could leave the vessel and swim among the stars for a year or two, they would hold their breath and swim like fishes in this lifeless ocean. They wonder sometimes if the strongest will ever return and sometimes they do.
Thousands of them would tether themselves together and form intricate patterns and hang from the side of this vessel like an ancient image of a snowflake, changing like ripples in a stream. They trained their children to do this, to meditate and reach the highest level of a deep trance, and do this for decade after decade; creating this new dimension of focus.
They had fortified their ship, this vessel, with rock so they did not need to steer it any more, just point it towards the co-ordinates of Eden. With there bare hands they ripped up asteroids and planets and built a shell of invulnerable metal. It had been pounded with asteroids, pulled apart by the enormous forces of gravity and anti-matter. It looked like a silver pockmarked planet as it plowed its way into the planetary system of Eden, it had grown so large, they had grown so once upon a time, that its gravity ripped into the existing order, shattering planets, changing orbits, and sending planets spinning out into the void.
In the distance a blue dot.

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