Friday, 27 March 2015

I think the main problem with both parties in the UK is that they are to in-hoc to their minority financiers and bizarre party members. Members of political parties are in an undoubted minority, yet both parties are designed by these odd-ball pressure groups and policy think tanks, it is surely too much of generalization to recommend that some common sense could be applied. It is undoubtedly the current makeup of both parties in that they consist of professional politicians. Surely it has been proven over the last 700 years that such professionalism is best kept to the civil service rather than giving the keys to the vault to careerist and worse.
The labor party apparently holds the left with a rainbow coalition that has alienated its core vote. The Conservative party has every ones trust but is influenced at highest level by an ancient tradition by barmy Kippers in disguise
It is antithetical that the rich benefit from the welfare state, it was always for the poor, ideals do not exist perfectly, it is obvious that we cannot afford it, the service provided must be universal, the money spent should be according to income. Insurance is not that expensive, drugs are, new hospitals are, more money is needed desperately. I am not wealthy but I would not mind paying for health insurance, I am not rational, I value the common wealth above all other things
Taxing property held by non-dom's instead of the mansion tax. Cutting the foreign aid budget, you may have went to Eton and Oxford but it is not 1890 any more, never mind India, what about Liverpool, what about Dundee, put microchips in cars and tax by the mile, give discounts to professional drivers, let the teachers run the schools - the government sets the exams, the league tables do the rest. Sharing resources with Europe on a joint defense strategy, WWII ended almost a hundred years ago, after one hundred years can we please stop celebrating it, or  can we celebrate it without thinking we are still planning for D-Day.
It seems almost facetious to suggest that you should use the Trotsky tactic of corruption from within to change Europe into something less ponderous. If Churchill had been pit the younger he would have saved his resources and not squandered them on mad ventures in Mandalay and left the nation in hoc for the next 50 years at the cost of the whole empire. It is complete idiocy, patriotism is for winning votes, it is not an ideology grounded in what is the most profitable for us. Has all the ambition been spent on politicians dancing to the public's accordion and the civil service is now inhabited by journeymen. The world cries out for lazy bureaucrats rather than busy myopic ones, perhaps governments should seek to hire less imaginative conservative fellows. A Tory bloody mindlessness trying to crash the car into a ditch because it will make you look clever in front of your fellows.
Scottish independence would work if it were not for Clyde side, a tragedy, I think the Ms Sturgeon should concentrate on the long game, governorship requires stability, acting sensibly instead of in hope of vain-glory. The first task is not independence, not now, it is too dangerous for us, look at Greece, look at Ireland, the ultimate goal is independence not ultimate dependence, your first task is to end poverty in Glasgow and Dundee. Public service is not a calling for a smirking nuisance.
Your second task is to set up Sports academies in which young footballers, golfers and Curlers can train and get an education and then go to University like in the United States
Mr Milliband remember the North, listen to what they say, it is the truth, you might find it a little unpalatable,  but it is not for show, it is what needs to be done. End poverty in Barnsley first, world peace second - which is why you were elected.
And Mr Cameron I think you need to find the pulse of what the people want more than listening to old fart face.
I think I have Liberal values and I would like to install you all the permanent house of lords which you can probably fulfill as coalition partner. Increasing the tax threshold to take the lowest earners out of tax will drive growth, will drive consumption, than a tax cut for the rich to funnel into the heaving hoard of savings in the stock-market
Populism wins elections not policies. Only the self-interested vote, not the cynics.

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