Friday, 9 October 2015

Go for a wander through the ancient streets of Edinburgh,the mist gathers, and find yourself leaving this time and entering the past, where it was a ways dark and raining, the murky tenements a ways dripping from the incessant rain, an the pish an aw, and never mind the shite;
Sunshine upon a hill far-away - an is the earth any cleaner than the souls of ancient men who walked upon the soil like god's chosen people?
The hearts of people are complex,the anger of the man who had toothache for 30 years, the misery of the minister because he had the cold for all his living days, and drunks every last one of them. Kings, Shepard's, Archbishops and Serving Girls all sodden with the drink, shitting their pants, murdering at the drop of a hat; lies and half-truths. This mist is a sullen and majestic fog of the hidden an ancient histories.,

In the beginning the Moon arrived in the sky. Except it was not called the moon, it was not a planet, it was a spaceship. You think I am being far-fetched? Look it up on Wikipedia, the moon is hollow. And this is why they covered up the moon landings.
The effect on Earths gravity was catastrophic, the Dinosaurs died. However, it was not millions of years ago, the latest studies have found that Geology is in fact a lot of boulder dash and that the Earth is not 5 miles higher than it was 50 million years agot due to soil compaction, but instead! only thousands of years had passed!
When the dust had settled, the human race left this spaceship and landed on the virgin Earth for the first time ever!
The human race is from a Cajillion miles away, the center of its civilization is in the Sirius constellation, which is why the Pyramids were built as a map, alas! Things were not so simple for these first people. They had been in space for thousands of years and when they landed they looked at the Sun it completely altered there perception of the Earth and they began to hallucinate really heavily. The first humans were long lived and some could fly, and they slept upon mountain tops, or swam to the bottom of the sea, but they forgot most things, except some who built the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, and the other who gathered in Ancient Scotland next to a Granite Mountain in Edinburgh and carved a mightier, and greater sphinx . Telt to do so by the first child, who had his first earth dream, as a harbinger of the immensity of the time which the future represents. Over the years the wind and the rain has weather has turned this Sphinx into Arthur's seat.
King Arthur threw his sword into the lake near Arthur's Seat in case the Brutal Saxons demean his Wife and Daughters, and cheat his fair laws with enforcement of Dominion, but there were not lands in those times, no eerie bureaucrat had drawn a line across the map, and demanding tax and blood on tap for ever since and ever more in debt unto eternity to a faceless super rich elite. We go too far ahead! I Digress!
When Atlantis was inundated, destroyed, washed unto sand, the waves were so vast they knocked the Sphinx's nose off in Egypt, they also flooded Crete. Princess Scotia the Ginger was forced to flee because a superstitious sect of Easterners saw this as a bad omen, they burned a dead goat and saw messages from their god in the Smoke. All the Ginger people had to get on Boats and go to Ireland. The King of Scotland decided to swim to Ireland one morning, and he saw Scotia bathing in the river, ravishing, and they were soon married as was the fashion of these ancient time, doused in water and dirt, as the flowers are blown up the wind in the greenest field on Earth.
And soon the had children, and they built a city where Edinburgh is now and they called it Jerusalem. Perhaps you have heard of this place in the Bible and have assumed that Jerusalem is in Israel. The Medieval Jerusalem is in Israel was stolen by the near eastern superstitious types. The Port of Joppa in Edinburgh is still called Joppa in modern day Scotland. These children were the Kings of Scotland and from them was King Arthur, Romulus, Leonidas and the Royal McGregor's - true loyalists until the end to the end.
 Jesus was born in Edinburgh and was crucified and God was so angry he scrubbed the minds of all the people, and changed the name of Edinburgh from Jerusalem to Edinburgh, and Jesus was buried at the site of Roslyn Chapel in modern day Edinburgh. Jesus's son William Alexander Merovingian Plantagenet decreed that a church should be built there to commemorate this forever more. He alone knew the truth of this  but the Devil killed him with a poison dart and all would have forgot! Except!
In the 19th Century an adventurer of the mind entered a trance and made contact with the Ether and hidden away in the secret Library of Edinburgh University when studying something dreadfully boring I stumbled upon these fragments.
The Moon child was born in his thoughts to project power against evil forces who use ritualistic human sacrifice calibrated with an ancient numerical language, and arcane astrology to fulfill their superstitious urges.

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