Monday, 6 April 2015

For me Peace is more important than any of our principles
The problem with instability that has led to civil war is that the State is hijacked by the army.
I think it would be better to allow the civilians to run this State, to perhaps let it exist and to develop systems of governance. It often seems obscene that Billions of Petro-Dollars are spent on skyscrapers and race tracks when it could have been spent rebuilding North Iraq. I have read, what are probably untrue rumors, that the only thing that the rich gulf states finance abroad are Guns and Butter. It is better to own Trafalgar square than give the people of Tahrir square modern housing. If faced with the choice would the Arab spring protesters have chosen improved living standards over Democracy? A Democratic election is pointless if the system of government is open to corrupt methods of improper governance, in fact recent history has shown that the imposition of sudden revolutionary Democracy causes more harm than good, it often collapses into civil war, or is replaced. Democracy developed in the West, agreements were made from Magna Carta to the Suffragettes as the relative bargaining power of the constituents involved reached new points of balance. I feel that a gradual move to Democracy is a much more sensible idea; however, limited Democracy may turn out to be a charade, it is a step on the path, and many feel that Western Democratic systems are a facade also
The Chinese, The Americans they have funds which invest all over the world, but who lends to Palestine, to Egypt except clandestine Europeans and Americans. Sovereign Wealth Funds have invested in Europe and America, are they able to invest in North Iraq, North Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. A Petrol Dollar Fund would not be giving loans, it would be investing, the IMF cuts government investment as condition for its interest charging loans, a Gulf fund loan would be extra spending in partnership; this would be a different approach to Investment; another function rather than dishing out emergency loans. Investing in providing Domestic Energy supplies, Solar Power, better housing, and new roads. I think you can build a building in Iraq and call it a hospital or a school, but the people who live their will use it is a building, and then decide what to use if for; what seems it best use to their local needs.
I wonder why these people have turned to this Savagery? Is it evil or is it desperation? I do not know, I have never met one of them, it seems to me as if it is the brutal stupid army staffed by hooligans and thugs, illiterates, and video game fans, fulfilling the role of civil government structures that have disintegrated all over Syria and Iraq. I do not thinks Bombs dropped by remote control by young men looking at screens like they are playing video games inspires empathy, but watching someone die does, it has been proven in studies that many soldiers do not fire their guns or shoot to miss, even if this is not a conscious decision, especially amateurs. I would recommend infiltration,because they apparently let anybody join them, then decapitation of the leadership, hit and run attacks with tactical assault squads. I am fairly certain that the US Army could continue to massacre them and who else who happened to be standing precisely near with drones and missiles but this would make things a bit more exciting for your elite soldiers; alas, it is a sacrifice some give without much thought
The war must be ended, the borders must be redrawn more appropriately. The Sunni people of Iraq perhaps need their own State and Syria should be divided along current territorial lines. The gulf states must take the lead in negotiating the peace but instead they fight their wars

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