Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sci fict

“I am a servant of the ancient way.
My number is one, two, three, four, five, six and seven.
These are the most ancient numbers I have heard.

I see the concavity of the edge,
I sense the symmetry of the heavens and the earth.

The spirits are around me and with me.
I do not notice them but they are with me now.

There is only truth,
All other things are lies.
This is logic.

I am a servant of the unchanging way,
The hawk is on my arm, the lion sleeps at my side,
The tiger guards my bed.
The crocodile is my unsleeping vigilance.

An ellipse is perfection,
Its value is nature is an approximation.
This shows we cannot know the mind of the universe.
This is logic.

Loquacious, dimorphic nebulae,
Sublime Paradoxical,
Symphonic fall from which ascent,
My eyes to see the blue sea
My eyes to feel the fresh wind
My mind for the blue sky
My heart for the Golden Dawn

Glory to Horus,]
Worship Osiris if you would, or should]
Beauty is Isis]

Mind perceives matter,
Mind then controls matter,
This is Logic.

I am a servant of the unchanging way
I am legion, particle in the infinity of space.
I must be ascension,
I must climb mountain peaks to find clean and fresh air.
The cold air cleans my thoughts and I become aware,
I sense the truth around me,
I give this truth no name; there are no things other than this truth.
All other things are lies.
This is logic

This is the way, and this way is always the way and it has never changed and it never will
There can be no other way except this way.
This is logic.
This is truth.

The sun rises above my head and is set.
I am illuminated.
The moon follows the path of my outstretched arms,
I raise a pillar of salt,
I draw the motions of the tides in the sands,
This is his mantra; he sits in a compartment at five hundred and twenty two thousand feet above the asteroid; a priest, a hermit, an initiate into secret and arcane knowledge. It has no value now, this most ancient knowledge, this first secret divined by the mind of man.

I hear my breathing slow, and it becomes deep and rhythmic, and smoke spouts from my eyes. I see its condensation harden and coagulate on the roof.


I lie back and listen to my heart-beat and gaze at the Universe,
And the universe looks back at me,
I am suddenly aware,
The echo of some deafening drum


Inside the deepening gloom,
 I turn on artificial lamps that spark lightness and whiteness into the room, they float eerily like candles, a death’s head smile that leers or grimaces at me, chiselled marble, he hands his lightning to the scarred earth below, and we know judgement has been passed, on all those who float and pass, mirage upon the horizon, no clarity or space simply a clutter, of ancient lights, or flight of seagulls deep on the sea retching and swaying with the frothing wide, simply sighing simply my sail flutters in the maddening deep, ellipse, yearning forever that swept curvaceous , glinting and sparking  like Diamonds, winking in and out of existence, my peripheral vision is cast away as my prison, yet all around is blithe in its own blindness, the trees scream in On the fakery, under the fakery on the inner worlds, scream and atoms tremble to hear their deep and tortured wailing as they take root upon rock and twisted earth, parched of air..


Unblinking lights…………..
Convoluted time wraps itself around me in this shroud - obscene and gratuitous nothingness.
Solaris flares,
 Radiation scars my eyes,
 Gloom, heartless light,
 We have forgot,
Yellow sun, blue skies,
Mighty ocean,
Lost deeps of time
 Perception, life
Constant – Time surrounds me unintelligible.
Salvation Postulation,

I lie here and listen to my heart – beat.



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