Gold and Silver.
it is idiotic to buy gold and silver because you think the dollar is going to fail. Gold was used as a currency because it was rare, it was difficult to forge, its true value, however, was in its purchasing power. Do not be fooled gold is a single commodity it has no intrinsic worth. Money is a measure of all goods and services
Assange semes to be a beast. Bob.
Their is no ethical reason to attack other websites. It is vandalism. the internet is not that important. At its best it is like a catalogue. Most of your ideas are unworkable and really do show how stupid you are. This is why they are the enlightened ones.
The largest contributor of carbon dixode in the environment is people breathing. Their are five billion people going through 5billion kg of CO2 every day. This is perhaps a more significant factor than Aeroplane travel, perhaps i do not know. I fear the environmental goal is collapse of civilization, to reduce our level of life to lower harder less abundant lifestyle. They are the new puritans. they think that they pollute the earth, that humans are unclean. Corporations provide cheap plentiful food, if you want to opt out please feel free to grow vegetables in your garden, and when you die aged 42 from lack of preservatives and additives from your medieval diet, at least the overall carbon footprint will shrink.
I like the idea of planting trees on the roofs of houses, to absorb the excess CO2. regrow the forests, let the trees grow in the cities in as much abudance as the people.
I despise this monkish ascetism, which is your choice, you cannot force your pure guilt on anyone else.
the majority must always make the decision, the minority is protected, however, it is given no real say or power that is disproportinate. The will of the silent majority must always be stronger than the will of one man, or a few men. If you do not agree, learn to accept, your life/style is protected against our better judgement. If it was not for world trade you would never had eaten a bannana.
The correct decision can only be made with access to complete information. Information is not always true, it is always judgemental, this is the human axiom.
UFOs ae time travllers from the future. God plays dice with the universe. I watched the heaven gate cult videos and you notice they all have the same teeth, the same eyes, the Ventura the Caucuas of the Volga, the Junglist Death Kultic, from a single point, a hundred fiffernt directions,
Hail, Hail, the King of the Scots has come..... See my light rise in the east
Death to the Beast...
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